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Wedding Features / July 1, 2022

Wedding Dress Code: Thoughts of an Organizer


Why It Matters

Beautifully dressed guests and a professional-looking crew accentuate the exclusivity and solemnity of the event.

To make sure your guests listen to what you want, don’t ignore an important part of your wedding preparations, such as creating a dress code.

When preparing for a wedding, you are investing in organizers, florists, photographers, videographers, and all those professionals who are directly related to the visual part of the celebration. Trust me, the dress code is a very important part of the final picture.

Images of guests and crew are sure to visually complement the concept and create an atmosphere of celebration, which you have so anxiously planned all this time. Everything should look harmonious, then it’s a win-win.

Believe me, your photographer and videographer will be extremely grateful for your thoughtful dress code. And you’ll definitely get more color-filled shots and shots.

How to Explain the Dress Code to Guests?

For your loved ones, the wedding is just as big and important a celebration as any other. And it’s great if you can help them prepare for it properly.

Communicate the dress code at least 1-2 months before the wedding; spell out the information in the invitations or speak it out in person. Sometimes the phrase is not enough: black tie or cocktail attire, not everyone understands the intricacies of the art of dressing “for the occasion” and “the place.”

Explain to the guests everything very simply. You can show examples or make a wise board of images. And if you do not have the time or desire to do this, you can indicate in the invitations the contact of your wedding planner, who can advise guests on any matter.

By the way, the duties of the manager also include control over the appearance of professionals who work on the wedding day. And if you have any wishes in this regard, feel free to voice them.

The Rule of Appropriateness

Be prepared for the fact that in the perfect world of your wedding, someone may burst into sneakers, jeans and polo, frank mini, bright red dress to the floor or “modestly” come in an image similar to the image of the bride.

Sometimes guests follow the palette but are dressed quite differently. Remind your guests that black is always relevant—only if you’re not having a white party. Make a stop list of things and colors that you definitely wouldn’t want to see at your wedding and that go against the concept. Guests are more likely to listen to bans than requests, because no one wants to upset the bride.

The main thing is to be sincere and honest. It is important to present any information respectfully without hurting the feelings of the guests.

Pay special attention to men; they are always more difficult. Let them know that a quality white shirt, pants, and, for example, loafers are the best investments in a man’s closet, thanks to which not only at your wedding, but also in any relevant situation, he will look stylish. Of course, it’s a special kind of fun to see men in black suits or tuxedos, with ties or bowties—a timeless fashion classic.

What’s Inappropriate at a Wedding?

If you’re planning a modern classic style event, your guests should refrain from any display of sporty style. You shouldn’t show up to a wedding wearing sportswear, even if it’s sports chic. A separate pain is jeans, especially ripped jeans.

So, when your wedding palette is in nude tones, any bright and acidic colors, particularly green, blue, and red, are forbidden. First, they will always draw attention, and secondly, in different lighting conditions, which will greatly complicate the work of the photographer and videographer.

But this does not mean that your mother or girlfriend can choose a light-colored dress in a bridal salon. They should not be confused with the bride on her important day.

And if you still want color and want a visually lush celebration, go for it! But ask your guests in such a case to refrain from prints, stripes, and various small patterns; brightness does not equal mottling. It would be better to look at richly colored monochrome in combination with unusual textures and styles. Do not wear your best at once. One accent is enough to attract attention; overdoing it with creativity is a mauvais ton.

Show care

It is not necessary to turn into a “Bridezilla,” unless you want your guests to remember your wedding as the day when they were forced to dress in yellow. Turn the preparations into a great time; go shopping together; getting dressed up is always nice.

And remember, no matter what, people are the main thing at a wedding. And the dress code is a matter of appropriateness that makes them feel part of the festivities.

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